Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The stories in my head

I have some story ideas that roll around in my head, gathering dust, momentum, details. Yesterday I added a snippet to that collection in my noggin and I nearly peed myself laughing about it last night at FSB.
The hubby saw a huge black dildo on the side of the road yesterday and called to tell me about it(isn't that sweet!). Where? I demanded. I drove there and went up and down this short stretch of highway just south of Lawrence. I parked the truck and ran up and down the ditch with a camera in my hand. Someone beat me to it. I thought about calling the sherriff to see if they picked it up. I NEEDED to know about it. I went home, dejected.
I want to know the story of how a huge, VEINED, plastic dick ended up on the side of the road. I also want to know how it came to be that it was no longer on the side of the road. Who in their right mind would pick it up? The hubby informed me that Douglas County is full of weirdos like me and that I am not nearly as unique as I would like to think. Sad.

The story of the huge member and its journey is percolating in my mind. Could it have been stuffed with drugs like the smuggling dildoes in Son of the Circus? Was there a terrible fight in a car zooming down Douglas County Route 458 between a couple, and while driving erratically, he grabbed her buzzing friend (of whom he is jealous), smacked her across the face with it, and flung it out the window into the cold winter night? Was it part of some erotic treasure hunt leading to a crazy orgy at a nearby farmhouse? Perhaps we should have a contest to see who can write the best story for the wayward dildo. Any takers?

My other favorite glimpse of story that I want to use is an ironic tale of a bad man who spits on the ground. I hate spitters. It is disgusting, and unclean. I had a very old health book that cautioned "it is not wise to spit about the home or in public places". I copied that page and hung it up everywhere I could, which was mostly near campus and The Crossing. The ironic part comes in the demise of my protagonist when he slips on one of his own lung cookies that he carelessly deposited on the ground and dies from the fall. Asshole shouldn't have been spitting on the ground - it's not wise.

posted by Rosie @ 1/30/2007 09:55:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 29, 2007

Happy Kansas Day!

I love my state. I doubt I will ever call anywhere else home. Travel is fine, but after a week I want to be home with my creatures, my chores, my routine, and my own stuff.

Make sure you eat some sunflower seeds today, and whole wheat bread. Have a buffalo burger down at local burger. Enjoy some local products from the Merc.

My favorite places in Kansas:
*Lawrence (duh)
*Kanopolis Resevoir - we used to go on trail rides at Horsethief Canyon - beyootiful!
*Carl's Bar in Hutchinson - so many crazy nights underage.
*Maxwell game Preserve - where you can watch buffalo roam.
*Fritz's in KCK - food ordered on a phone and delivered by a train. Great milkshakes - dip your fries in 'em.
*House of Sight and Sound (aka Song and Bong) in Salina. Best music store/head shop in the midwest. Salina is also home to the wonders of the Cozy Inn, The Scheme Pizza, and Bogeys' Drive Inn.
*Anchor Inn Restaurant in Hutch (i'm Hutch trash if you didn't know). Best Mexican buffet ever!
*Mr. Nussbaum's house - ancient man who lived around the corner from me a mile or two. When we first moved to the house I grew up in we needed a cat. We were told to go see Mr. Nussbaum, who had at least a million cats roaming his property. He reached into a forsythia bush and pulled out a relatively clean cat - white with gray tabby splotches. We dubbed him Mr. O'Malley and took him home. I thought only old ladies collected cats.
*Monitor Brethren Church. This church was 3 miles around the corner and I went there for VBS for 8 years. There is a parsonage still and the quietest cemetery in the shade that I have ever seen.
*Inman Cafe - every Wednesday was Mennonite food and you could go have fresh verenika and bona beroggi. Heaven!
*Garden of Eden - Lucas. If you have never seen this bizarre tribute to early Kansas politics and one man's take on church vs state, you have got to stop here. I hope I can be this weird with art when I am old.
*White Memorial Camp near Council Grove, named after the family who donated the land. I went to summer camp here for a week every summer thru the UCC church for 8 years. First love with Mike Conrad and first doubts about God.
*Medicine Lodge Peace Treaty re-enactment. This is the turf of my parents, and every 3 years folks commemorate the Peace Council of 1867. Of course, the US Guvment fucked the Plains Indians, but the pageant is stunning and takes place in a nautral amphitheatre in the Gyp Hills. Followed by a huge ranch rodeo and a tornado if you're lucky.

Which brings me to famous Kansans.... I can't think of Medicine Lodge without mentioning Carrie Nation.

Check this out for other famous Kansans:
Cool stuff about Kansas and Kansans

Where I grew up we spent this day biting the corner off of Hershey bars to make them look like our state, we dressed up in pioneer outfits, made butter in a hand churn and ate it on homemade bread. I have asked friends from other states if they took similar steps to learn about the cultural heritage of their home states on the anniversaries of their joining the union, and they look at me like I am nuts. Why are we proud to be from a state that most people think of as a dreadful place you have to drive thru to go skiing? The answer is one of our best kept secrets.

posted by Rosie @ 1/29/2007 09:14:00 AM 4 comments
Sunday, January 28, 2007

Preaching to the choir

I preach. Yes, I know you all are thinking, "hell yeah she preaches. She never shuts up about telling other people what they need to be doing." No, I mean I preach. I get paid to stand in front of people and tell them how I see the world. I get to do this once a month at least, and I love it. I was getting bored with my job and had the chance to include this as one way to cover my responsibilites on Sunday mornings. It has been a hit, and gets my job done as well.
I was especially proud of today's little talk I gave. It went like this:

Prelude – “World” by Five for Fighting

(Some random announcements and candle lightings came in here)

Hymn: We are a gentle angry people #170

Opening thoughts:
Good morning. I am ________, the director of religious education for 4.5 years. Welcome to the 4th Sunday Intergenerational Spiritual Celebration. The 4th Sunday intergen SC offers us the chance to learn what it was that our children were doing earlier in the month. This month was a little odd, and I might, within reason, be able to stand up here and have the kids show you how they made snowballs and snowmen and somehow relate that to Unitarian Universalism, because my guess is that is what several of our kids did this month on Sunday mornings. Instead of them sharing with you what they learned, I will share with you what they were going to learn had old man winter not come a knocking so loudly this month. Thank you for coming, and allowing me the opportunity to share with you what our children do. There may have been some skepticism about the frequency of these intergenerational programs when we first discussed this monthly format, and I hope that like the recent snow and ice, that skepticism has melted away before too many people slipped on it.

If the children would come forward, ______ will share with them one of the classics of children’s literature: Enemy Pie.

(this is a hilarious story about a kid whose dad tricks him into turning his best enemy into a good friend by making enemy pie, which is a normal pie. The trick is before you can have your enemy over to eat the pie, you have to spend a day playing with the enemy. You get the idea! My reader is a very theatrical guy who reminds me of a young Mark Twain - at least what I think a young Mark Twain would be like)

The theme for the month in Religious Education was Unitarian Universalism. January seemed like a good time, what with people resolving to make changes, hopefully for the better, and touching base with our roots seemed natural to me. Some Januaries see an influx of new faces thru our doors, as we promise ourselves to get up earlier, take better care of ourselves, get involved in our communities, and take time to think about what our place is on this planet.

Our faith, denomination, religion if you can stomach that word, is based around seven principles. I can usually recite 4 of those 7 without much trouble. I go back and forth between the adult's version with complicated words and concepts and the kid's version, which boils these ideas down to something easier to digest. "To affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person" becomes “every person is important”. I like that. It makes sense to me. It makes sense to the kids too, as one day in the car I was trying to explain something to my nine-year-old son using the principles, and I was getting hung up on them. He rattled all 7 off for me quite readily, and I am pretty sure he understands the concepts behind the words. He’s not my UU guinea pig, but he shows me often that what we do here works. We try to create a safe place where our kids can come have a good experience with like-minded people of all ages, and if they learn something about Unitarian Universalism on their journey here, that is gravy.

So we are pretty sure we can provide a good experience for them here on our own property, but what about in the larger world? In the prelude, Five for Fighting (which is really just one guy – not five) sings about the chance to start over and build a new world.

Got a package full of Wishes
A Time machine, a Magic Wand
A Globe made out of Gold

No Instructions or Commandments
Laws of Gravity or
Indecisions to uphold.

What kind of world do you want?
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Our history is being written as we speak. Someday when I have the honor and the need to sit in one of our cushy chairs, I hope a few of these kids are the people standing here, sharing their thoughts with us, telling their stories of how Unitarian Universalism has shaped how they function in this world. Our 7 principles may have changed by then. They really aren't very old – having been written and adopted in my lifetime. Our kids will sing hymns, possibly from these very hymnals, really knowing what it means to be gentle, angry people. Hopefully they will harness that gentle anger and be activists as so many of our adults are, passionately defending the rights of those who often can’t speak for themselves. They will work with coalitions, and alliances, and associations, and they will be Unitarian Universalists while they do this work. And if they aren’t, if they become, gasp, Methodists or Episcopalians, or pagans or whatevers or nothings, they will still have the knowledge and experience of having learned that this was a community that cared for them and expected them to make change happen during their tenure on this planet.

During yesterday’s workshop on change, there were the familiar faces of members and friends of the Fellowship who were able to give of their time to learn skills that will help us thru these challenging times of rapid change. Many were the faces that are seen at nearly every workshop or task force or committee meeting that goes on around here. She’s preaching to the choir I kept thinking, about S____ B____, our workshop facilitator. She’s preaching to the choir. I kept thinking about that phrase and what I think it means. I think it means that you’re telling a story that the listeners are already familiar with, and one that they agree with as well. You’re convincing people of something that they already are convinced of, you’re being redundant which can be annoying. It makes it sound like it is a negative thing. I imagined myself as the choir, and I decided that sometimes I rather enjoy hearing things that I already agree with. I don’t have the mental stamina to be challenged to think about all the things that go on that I don’t agree with in this world every single moment. Occasionally, I just want to sit back and hear something that doesn’t get my hackles all up and make my heart race and cause me to take action. Sometimes I want to watch the news channel that only has heartwarming stories of people doing good, or the one where they report that nothing horrible happened today, people went about their lives, did their jobs, hung out with their friends or families, shared pie together, and lost enemies. This morning, you may feel like the choir. But don’t worry, you will only have to sing one more hymn today, and that won’t be for a few more minutes.

Our preschool and kindergarten class, led by Janet and Lynne , learned about Mary Collson, a young girl from Iowa who had a pet hen. Mary pretended a lot, as children do, and liked to pretend that she was a preacher. She would marry her hen, preach to her hen, she even tried to baptize her hen. Maybe that is where we get the phrase madder than a wet hen. She confided in her hen that when she grew up, she wanted to be a minister, just like her 2 female ministers who also were her school teachers. When Mary became an adult, she did become a minister, she joined the Iowa sisterhood and helped spread liberal religion across the midwest. They also learned about Thomas Starr King, who as a boy wanted to ring the church bells on Sunday morning at the church where his father served as a minister. Thomas grew up to become first a Universalist minister, then served Unitarian churches in the 1800’s. Their last lesson was going to be about our local congregation, and we had several photographs of events that had happened here at the Fellowship over the years. They would’ve talked about how long before they were born, and even a little before their parents were born, a group of people, some of whom are still with us, got together to form our Fellowship. How they worked hard to organize and how they bought this building and worked on it and sweated and hauled water here to drink and went thru the challenges of life together as a community of people who chose to spend time together under the same roof even though they didn’t always agree with what was going to happen under this roof.

Our first thru 3rd grade class was lead by Susan, Mariyln, and Graham. You may have heard about how they imprisoned your children in a dark dingey cell so that they could learn about Dorthea Dix. After hearing William Ellery Channing preach about the dignity and worth of all people, Dorthea had the words to describe what she had always felt. She worked with Dr. Channing and his friends to improve the living conditions of people in prison for having committed crimes and people who were mentally ill. She convinced lawmakers in Massachusetts to build one of the first mental hospitals in the united states. On ice storm Sunday, they would have learned about Jesus’ teacher Hillel, who summed up Jewish law with a simple statement that reflects our second principle – justice, equity, and compassion in human relations: he said “never do to anyone else the kind of thing that is hateful to you.” I like it when things are straightforward and make sense.

On snow day Sunday they were going to learn about Susan B. Anthony. Now I know this is a generational thing, and many of you may have no idea what I am talking about… but I can’t help but sing the school house rock ditty about Susan B Anthony. We were suffering until suffrage, not a woman could vote no matter what age, but the 19th Amendment shut down that restrictive rule. Susan didn’t live to see the day when women could finally vote, but her work lives on every day as women continue to challenge unfair treatment in the workplace and society in general.

Marie and John worked with our 4th – 7th grade group in January. They learned about Joseph Priestly, an inventor who became a Unitarian minister. Not only did Priestly discover oxygen, he invented carbonated water – thank goodness! Priestly fought in Britain for freedom of religion and eventually fled to the US where he preached in Philadelphia. They also talked about William Ellery Channing, who had a terrifying church experience as a youngster that included hellfire and brimstone and the world coming to a firey end. He was so terrified that when he later became a minister, he preached about a hopeful tomorrow, not one of doom and fear. Our last lesson was going to also be about our local history, with guest speakers from our congregation sharing stories of the early days of formation and how things have changed since then.

If you would like to know more about our local history, I suggests that you see Earl, our archivist, to learn more about what and where.

I’d like to quote one of my favorite philosphers – Uncle Ben. No - Not the rice guy.
Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben. You may know Peter Parker by his work name – Spiderman. Uncle Ben, right before his death, which actually spawned the creation of Spider man as a masked hero, Uncle Ben told Peter to remember, that with great power, comes great responsibility. As people living in the United States, we have an amazing amount of power. As Unitarian Universalists in the United States, we have the vehicle with which we can wield that power. There are many avenues available to us to responsibly use our power. We are blessed to have choices. With our great power comes great responsibility.

Please join me in singing a hymn we do not yet know very well, This hymn is about the choices we may face. Please stand as you are able.

Hymn: #320 The Pen is Greater

Reading: Staci read this:

If prayer worked like magic – if I knew the words that would guarantee prayer's power – I know what I would pray:

    Let life be always kind to our children.
    Let sorrow not touch them.
    Let them be free from fear.
    Let them never suffer injustice,
    nor the persecutions of the righteous.
    Let them not know the pain of failure –
    of a project, a love, a hope, or a dream.
    Let life be to them gentle and joyful and kind.

If I knew the formula, that's what I'd pray.

But prayer isn't magic, and life will be hard. So I pray for our children – with some hope for this prayer:

    May their knowledge of sorrow be tempered with joy.
    May their fear be well-balanced by courage and strength.
    May the sight of injustice spur them to just actions.
    May their failures be teachers, that their spirits may grow.
    May they be gentle and joyful and kind.
    Then their lives will be magic, and life will be good.
So may it be.

Closing thoughts: I’d like to close with a personal story. I have a good friend who knows about my spiritual beliefs. He knows that I try to good things not because they will get me into the heaven he believes in, but because they are the right thing to do. When I gripe to him about how someone hacked me off at the grocery store, or how my husband purposefully didn’t do the errand I had asked him to take care of, he would remind me with a pat on the arm. "Now now, We are all god’s children." This infuriated me! How dare he pat my arm and tell me something so ridiculous and contrary to my beliefs. After hearing this many times over, which might mean that I complain too much, I began to appreciate the meaning behind his statement. We are all God’s children. Hmmmm. We are all stuck here together and it is really easier to figure out how to deal with that fact than fight it. I now find myself sharing my friend’s simple wisdom with others who are struggling with someone else’s behavior. So before we hear one of my favorite singing groups – The Sesame Street Singers, I leave you with this reminder:

What kind of world do you want?
Think Anything
Let's start at the start
Build a masterpiece
Be careful what you wish for
History starts now...

Postlude: We are all earthlings (this is a great song about differences in creatures that share Earth.)

We are notorious for jumping up and running downstairs to get our coffee, and no one jumped up. Every single person sat still and listened to this song. No one wiggled in his chair - not even the kids. People sat quietly with their hands in their laps and listenend and occasionally giggled, which is great because it is a funny song. Now if I could just fake it and pretend that I was Methodist for a few years, I could go to Saint Paul School of Theology and get my M. Div. for next to free. I just don't think I can pull that off, no matter how good of a performer I become.

posted by Rosie @ 1/28/2007 06:28:00 PM 2 comments
Friday, January 26, 2007

An addition to the menagerie....

Sean is a sucker. That is one of his endearing qualities. He recently was asked to take in four pygmy goats whose family moved to Springfield, Missouri in the middle of the ice storms that paralyzed a diagonal stripe of the show-me state.

They are cute, loud, and very playful. We have a family of four, including a billygoat. They are BillyBob, Angelina (mommy), Brad, and Jennifer. Both kids are girls, but I have a boy cat named Margaret so precendence has been set and one of them can be called "Brad".

Angelina is pretty wide so might already be knocked up again. We might be turning into a goat farm - my father is rolling in his grave.

I always wanted goats. When I was young, I would go with Dad to the sale barn (where he spent most of his time after retirement. Who could blame him? Great chicken fried steak and even better pie) and the workermen in their wranglers and boots would hustle in a a terrified herd of goats. They moved like a school of bleating fish, scrambling from corner to corner of the sale pen while children shrieked and men chuckled. At one auction in Salina, they brought out a big cardboard box that was sold as a mystery box. Inside was a baby goat, but we only found out after some sucker bought the box for $17. Dad scoffed at me and my obsession with goats. There was "no way were were going to be goat-ropers" he would say. Goats were silly, uncouth, useless in his world of team roping and cattle ranching.

Then Dad retired. He found himself spending every weekend from Spring to Fall running rodeos all across central and eastern Kansas for kids. Little Britches had mostly become defunct, so Dad and a buddy started a new circuit of rodeos to prepare kids for the high school rodeo competitions that would earn most of those kids college scholarships to go to Pratt CCC, Dodge City CCC, Ft. Hays State, and K-State if they were really good (those kids comprised about a third of the people at his funeral). Goat tying is an event at these kids rodeos, which meant that someone had to own goats and transport the goats to every rodeo. You also had to have enough goat stock that you could rotate goats in and out so that they didn't get too used to being caught and tied. Nothing takes the fun out of competition like a tame goat that waits for you to catch it and then lays down so you can tie its legs together. Dad began collecting goats. He caught a lot of guff at the sale barn from his ranching brethren who wondered what had become of the macho John who would never let goats on his property. He had to buy sheep too for mutton busting, a precursor to bull riding. The sheep were not fun, being naturally dumb creatures, but the goats would scamper about a dry lot while the horses nosed over the fence to see why such commotion was being raised. When Dad thought no one was looking, he would get in their pen and play with them, gently stroking their fat bellies and rubbing their heads. They would instinctively butt their heads into his tree trunk of a leg, stand on their back legs in an effort to climb his 6' 3" frame, and bleat their thanks for saving them from an end as live sacrifice or cabrito verde. My Dad was a sucker, too.

posted by Rosie @ 1/26/2007 08:05:00 AM 2 comments
Sunday, January 14, 2007

California Dreamin'

I got my ass chewed today by Sandusky for being a bad blogger. I think about it nearly every day, but just have not felt compelled to blog since before Xmas. This is a sign - but of what I am not sure. There has been nothing to complain about - well nothing that hasn't already been complained about; nothing super exciting to share - although the Kiddo flew all by himself for the first time and it was pleasantly uneventful for him; nothing of note that caught my attention and made me ponder human nature, or the mystic occurrences that would lead me to question the existence of something greater than myself. Nope. Nothing. Nothing major going on and that has been really lovely.
December was busy and hard on the liver. My Spring calendar is filling up fast with trips to all the best midwestern cities - Omaha, Des Moines, Milwaukee, Minneapolis. So jetset I am cruising up and down I-35! I get the pleasure of going to a conference in San Diego in February and Lucile will be venturing to the The Golden State with me for the week. While I learn how to run a UU revival, she'll be taking in the beach and Sea World. I have scheduled one day to go to the zoo since last time I was there most of it was under renovation.
I'll look for something compelling to get my "literary" juices flowing.
I'm glad 2006 is over!

posted by Rosie @ 1/14/2007 09:07:00 PM 1 comments