Tuesday, February 13, 2007 |
Winter blahs |
I hate Winter. Bring on the 95 degrees and 80% humidity and I'll be ever so happy. I am waiting for Spring, I am waiting for Walker to die. Every time I am convinced he is gonna go, he perks up a little and wags his tail in that helicopter-ey way that announces his hounddogginess. I am curled up with him tonight in front of the fireplace. He is in his ratty blanket, shivering or twitching, I can't tell which. My sleeves are wet from the snot and tears I have wiped all over them because I couldn't reach the facial tissues ( I wrote that just for you Amy in Texas, not kleenexes). A pleasant distraction is an unexpected addition, that came with the other new additions. It seems that the new goats came with baggage - at least 2 of them are knocked up. One of them has already blessed us with Nibbler, our housegoat. Nibbler is a baby pygmy goat, which is about the size of a teenage cat. I keep expecting him to purr as he rides around tucked in my overall bib, reaching up to bang his head into my chin. I learned tonight from Wendy the Goat Lady (who has provided milk for Nibbler so that we didn't starve him - his trashy mother abandoned him already) that this banging against that which feeds him is an instinct that actually makes his mama's milk letdown so he can tug at her more and stuff his fat little belly. I keep thinking that goat milk might be some sort of miracle moisturizer for my skin, so I'll have the softest, youngest looking double chin in all of Douglas County. I also was thinking that it was kinda gross to have this baby goat smearing goat milk all over my face, but then I realized I have had worse things on my chin. Banging me in my leche-swollen teats would not have made my body crank out food any faster for the Kiddo. Goats are weird. I am looking forward to joining Lucille in San Diego next week. I need some sun and to not have to drive everyone else everywhere for a few days. Cabs. What a great idea. Someone else driving me around for a bit. I like the sound of that.
posted by Rosie @ 2/13/2007 10:56:00 PM |
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At 11:20 PM,
Oberon said…
......i was a cabbie in san diego.
At 12:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
So, Nibbler huh?
When are the others expected to arrive? Is it Brad or Billy Bob who is pregnant?
Congrats mom-Deb
At 5:00 PM,
Rosie said…
It's Angelina who is still preggers with twins!!!! Brad is Nibbler's mom. Hopefully Jennifer isn't fucked and far from home as well.
At 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
What do I have against Kleenexes?
At 10:57 AM,
Megan Stuke said…
Cabs and Limos were right up there among my favorite things about Las Vegas. Right after winning three hundred bones in the first twenty minutes.
At 12:07 PM,
Rosie said…
Amy, I said "petroleum jelly" once instead of vaseline and you laughed and replied that I probably won't say "Q-tip" or "Kleenex" but rather "cotton swab" and "facial tissue"
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