Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The stories in my head

I have some story ideas that roll around in my head, gathering dust, momentum, details. Yesterday I added a snippet to that collection in my noggin and I nearly peed myself laughing about it last night at FSB.
The hubby saw a huge black dildo on the side of the road yesterday and called to tell me about it(isn't that sweet!). Where? I demanded. I drove there and went up and down this short stretch of highway just south of Lawrence. I parked the truck and ran up and down the ditch with a camera in my hand. Someone beat me to it. I thought about calling the sherriff to see if they picked it up. I NEEDED to know about it. I went home, dejected.
I want to know the story of how a huge, VEINED, plastic dick ended up on the side of the road. I also want to know how it came to be that it was no longer on the side of the road. Who in their right mind would pick it up? The hubby informed me that Douglas County is full of weirdos like me and that I am not nearly as unique as I would like to think. Sad.

The story of the huge member and its journey is percolating in my mind. Could it have been stuffed with drugs like the smuggling dildoes in Son of the Circus? Was there a terrible fight in a car zooming down Douglas County Route 458 between a couple, and while driving erratically, he grabbed her buzzing friend (of whom he is jealous), smacked her across the face with it, and flung it out the window into the cold winter night? Was it part of some erotic treasure hunt leading to a crazy orgy at a nearby farmhouse? Perhaps we should have a contest to see who can write the best story for the wayward dildo. Any takers?

My other favorite glimpse of story that I want to use is an ironic tale of a bad man who spits on the ground. I hate spitters. It is disgusting, and unclean. I had a very old health book that cautioned "it is not wise to spit about the home or in public places". I copied that page and hung it up everywhere I could, which was mostly near campus and The Crossing. The ironic part comes in the demise of my protagonist when he slips on one of his own lung cookies that he carelessly deposited on the ground and dies from the fall. Asshole shouldn't have been spitting on the ground - it's not wise.

posted by Rosie @ 1/30/2007 09:55:00 AM


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