Friday, September 22, 2006 |
Running with your eyes closed.... |
is not a smart thing to do . I don't care if a person is 80 or 8 months old, one knows NOT to move forward, slowly OR quickly, with one's eyes closed. Well, one, except my dearest charge, whom I must remind every afternoon to not get herself more maimed than the average 5-year-old. I am thinking of getting a frequent users punch card for the ER at LMH. At age 5, she has been to the ER as many times as I have in my 30-something years. Monkey Bars:1 Andrea: 0 Nothing's broken, not even her pride. When asked what she was doing to make this happen, her calm, casual reply: "I was running with my eyes closed on the playground and the monkey bars were in my way." Silly monkey bars! Didn't they know who was coming right at them?! I hope they learned their lesson. Sheeeesh!
posted by Rosie @ 9/22/2006 01:08:00 PM | 3 comments |