Monday, May 29, 2006


Damn, it hs been a rough weekend! The husband is passed out on the sofa, the girlfriend (who has been here 2 nights now) is passed out in the kiddo's bed, and I unfortunately woke up way too early but sans hangover, which I really deserve. The beauty of homebrew is that there is seldom the unpleasant aftereffect associated with drinking cheap beer in a can.
I ache ALL over, but I have gotten two MAJOR tasks done at the house this weekend. On Saturday I replanted my favorite flower bed and unloaded a truck load of mulch on to it. Then on Sunday, the hubby, SJ, and I repainted our bedroom. This is major! The only painting that has happened at the farm in the five years that I have owned it is in the smallest bathroom, which got painted last summer and took me two weeks to put back together. YAY we are getting things done! So, with all the reaching with the paintbrush and scooping with the shovel, I am hurting al over.
Got to talk to Sarge Koch last night! He called for SJ and I talked his head off, and vice versa until he had one minute left on his card so they said their "I love you's" and got cut off. We talked about the crappy workmanship of Saddam's palaces, the unbearable heat (112 F today in Baghdad), the Qi/Chi that works its mojo on some of the guys and freaks them out some days, and my own chi, which he is sure could benefit from some time with Arthur the tai chi teacher/friend of Mark's. It was great to hear his voice and catch up. He'll be back in August for a vacation and there will be much rejoicing (insert Monty Python sound effect here).
So, today will be spent touching up the ceiling paint and cleaning the room up while putting it back together so that we can live in it again. But right now, I think I am gonna go back to bed and try to sleep some more. I am worn out from all this writing. ;-)

posted by Rosie @ 5/29/2006 07:29:00 AM


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