Friday, December 01, 2006 |
Border Wars |
I woke up very grouchy. Perhaps this has something to do with me going to bed really grouchy. The lack of nicotine in my body is taking its toll, and the weather only adds insult to injury when it come to my mood. At least the sun is shining today, and the Kiddo's dad is coming to get him at 1:30 since classes at Ottawa U got cancelled for the day, and PeeWee snottily said she didn't want to come to my house today. I can possibly get something done around here besides cook for children who complain constantly and clean up after cats who are having territory wars. Hubby felt bad for the kitties because of the snow, so they all came in and could not share a catbox, so they took to the rest of the house, leaving treasures for me to clean up. Blake came in last night while I was nestled under the under the down comforter, enjoying my own bed and pillows rather than crappy hotel pillows and polyester sheets, jumped up on the bed and proceeded to bleed and leave ice chunks all over the damn bed. This morning, after a decent night's sleep, I found yet another cat treasure delineating their turf, so all the cats got picked up and THROWN out the back door into a snowdrift. Mandy had ripped open a bag of garbage that had not migrated to the dumpster and left gnawed up bits of trash everywhere, but at least it wasn't the tampons she dug from the trash and savored like last week. Out she went, along with Walker who peed in the beanbag chair that he has claimed. I then went into the kitchen where I still can't find anything because someone else moved all my stuff, when all the tupperware lids leapt off a shelf and began attacking me. I threw them. I threw them all over the kitchen. I slammed them down and screamed at how much I fucking hated them for not being where they used to be and how dare they stick together and fall off the shelf. I felt better immediately. I am a thower; Not really a door slammer or much of a yeller, but throwing things feels good. It's the Passive-Aggressive aggressor in me. I have now finished my pot of coffee and had my fill of The Weather Channel. Harley's bedding has been washed (he had an accident and goes to the MD on Monday to get checked out) and mine is in there right now. I have something to do tonight that does not involve people I work with OR people I am related to, and hopefully will not involve too much temptation to smoke. If I can get thru this weekend without smoking, I think I will be free and clear. Now if I can just stop the deluge of bodily eliminations from sending me over the edge...
posted by Rosie @ 12/01/2006 10:25:00 AM |
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At 12:51 PM,
Sandusky said…
I'm a thrower too. With me, though, if I don't get maximum satisfaction from the first throw, I throw again. I'll retrieve and throw again. This often results in the throwee occupying an entirely different energy state by the time the process is over. It just feels really, really good.
At 1:24 PM,
Megan Stuke said…
I laughed out loud at the rendition of the pet exretions. I feel you, and I only have two pets. But the stuff Jack leaves around the house is enough to tip my sanity.
It will be a good evening. Just get through the day!
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