Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Oh Gawd someone please shoot me

I haven't said it in a long, long time. "I'll never drink again" has not come out of my mouth since way back in college. Not that I haven't earned myself some winner hangovers, I've just learned to shut up and take my lumps. Today I am not thinking about giving up my favorite poison, but I am thinking about laying down the lighter and not smoking anymore.

I have quit smoking several times over the years, with great success at least twice, but the problem is I really don't want to not smoke. Today, even thinking about having a smokey treat makes me run to the hurling throne just in case anything comes out when I dry heave. I smoked too much last night. I have a cigarette hangover.

I was warned by Sandusky that I either need to quit or come clean to Roxarita - all that ridiculous sneaking around on Thanksgiving was almost Keystone Cops. The kiddos are gonna figure out in a few years that I can be blackmailed to keep my mother in the closet if I don't do something about it. It's expensive, too. A carton of American Spirits goes for $50, and we go thru probably 2-3 cartons a month. That's some great shoes and handbags that I could be sporting, rather than a cloud of stinky smoke, a lung cookie-laced hack, and tiny lines around my mouth from all that butt sucking.

Adam quit cold turkey. He said he was an asshole for about 4 days and then he was done with it. I don't even smoke as much as he did. I can do this. I'll have the Kiddo for 2 weeks straight over Xmas before he jets off to NYC to see his Dad, so that will be a good time to not party quite so much and maybe forego the smokey treats. Please help me in this endeavor!

posted by Rosie @ 11/28/2006 11:40:00 AM


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