Wednesday, November 08, 2006 |
It's a great day to be a Liberal on the high plains |
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay! We have slain the Republicans!!!! I'm no political analyst, and I am pretty pumped about yesterday's poll results. Aside from my incredible friend Goddess Going There not winning in the **** district in her battle for state rep (She came damn close - she rocks!), I pretty much got what I wanted. Not only did my candidates win, I have renewed faith in the people of my state, and nation. We came out to vote in record numbers, we fought some incredibly hard battles, we had a near-unknown candidate beat the incumbent who had the Prez stumping for him (maybe not such a good idea to have W and Dick on your side these days), even the nutty Missourians passed ALL stem cell research! And best of all, Phreaks like Phil Kline have been told how we feel about their misguided attempts to save us from ourselves. Please, fight real crime, stay out of our medical records. Even our neighbors to the North in S Dakota showed that not everyone in the heartland is a conservative kook bent on controlling everyone else's behavior, or making them pay unheard of emotional costs to atone for seeming indiscretions - those sluts should have to raise their babies - right? Especially the ones that dressed so whoorishly that some poor guys had to go and rape them because they were driven wild with passion for their bodacious tatas. So, my attitude is that things are looking up again: Sarge will get in to Topeka tomorrow, and hopefully we'll get the need to control the Middle East out of our blood soon; We'll have the bonfire Friday and some sort of metaphorical phoenix will rise from the ashes; and the Jabberwock has been slain by the snicker-snack of the vorpal blade of Reason.
posted by Rosie @ 11/08/2006 08:32:00 AM |
At 9:34 AM, Anonymous said…
Bye bye Bobby Corkins. Don't let the door hit your ass on the way out!
Thank God the nation didn't let the Repub's dictate their thoughts-Deb
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