Saturday, October 21, 2006

verb it

I love taking words that aren't verbs and making them into verbs. Is there a word for this process? "Reverse gerunding"? That was one of the best parts of Calvin and Hobbs. Calvin was always verbing words.
I have a new favorite website that inspired me to write this morning....
I was just sitting here killing time after writing tomorrow's sermon in my PJ's, sucking down full-caffeine coffee, jittering, and chain smoking, when I perused the "M" category and found something I needed to share!

"megan: to laugh until liquid comes out of one's nose
Example: When he told his joke, Wendy meganed all over the lunch table"

How perfect is that!?

So I got to looking more....
"Heather: A popular, controlling person. Inspired by the movie _Heathers_.
Example: The head cheerleader of our high school is a Heather"

verbicide: An act of word destruction; i. e., a word ceases to exist or loses meaning due to the act
of an individual. For example, some would consider the act of verbing to be verbicidal.
Example: Valley girls haved used the word like so inappropriately for so long that I would
like to charge them with verbicide."

Sadly, there were no especially fun definitions for "rosie", "lulu", "amy", "gyspy", and I even looked to see if "tomasek" was there, but it just hasn't caught on, yet.

There was also this:
verbology: The study, science, or practice of creating new words.
Example: I decided to utilize my verbology skills, so I logged on to"

Can I get a PhD in that?

posted by Rosie @ 10/21/2006 02:20:00 PM


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