Friday, July 21, 2006 |
In case you didn't know them |
Marty Robbins has been on my mind a lot lately. He was my Dad's all time fave. I remember riding in his truck, pulling a trailer full of horses and listening to MR on the ole 8 track player. I was too clueless to know how cool he was. I was into Alabama, George Straight, and whatever new-wave music my pal Scott (of Mysterious Skin fame) brought to us - INXS, Alphaville (more on them another time), B-52's, eurotrash with lots of synth and big bangs. The louder we were screaming Bow Wow Wow out the car, the better. I recently had the pleasure of sitting with the human jukebox around a campfire. Jon could play anything you asked for. I asked for El Paso and he didn't know it, but 10 minutes later he did. I couldn't remember the words. POOP! Here they are so that you can sing along next time. Out in the West Texas town of El Paso I fell in love with a Mexican girl. Night-time would find me in Rosa's cantina; Music would play and Felina would whirl. Blacker than night were the eyes of Felina, Wicked and evil while casting a spell. My love was deep for this Mexican maiden; I was in love but in vain, I could tell. One night a wild young cowboy came in, Wild as the West Texas wind. Dashing and daring, A drink he was sharing With wicked Felina, The girl that I loved. So in anger I Challenged his right for the love of this maiden. Down went his hand for the gun that he wore. My challenge was answered in less than a heart-beat; The handsome young stranger lay dead on the floor. Just for a moment I stood there in silence, Shocked by the FOUL EVIL deed I had done. Many thoughts raced through my mind as I stood there; I had but one chance and that was to run. Out through the back door of Rosa's I ran, Out where the horses were tied. I caught a good one. It looked like it could run. Up on its backAnd away I did ride, Just as fast as I Could from the West Texas town of El Paso Out to the bad-lands of New Mexico. Back in El Paso my life would be worthless. Everything's gone in life; nothing is left. It's been so long since I've seen the young maiden My love is stronger than my fear of death. I saddled up and away I did go, Riding alone in the dark. Maybe tomorrow A bullet may find me. Tonight nothing's worse than this Pain in my heart. And at last here I Am on the hill overlooking El Paso; I can see Rosa's cantina below. My love is strong and it pushes me onward. Down off the hill to Felina I go. Off to my right I see five mounted cowboys; Off to my left ride a dozen or more. Shouting and shooting I can't let them catch me. I have to make it to Rosa's back door. Something is dreadfully wrong for I feel A deep burning pain in my side. Though I am trying To stay in the saddle,I'm getting weary, Unable to ride. But my love for Felina is strong and I rise where I've fallen, Though I am weary I can't stop to rest. I see the white puff of smoke from the rifle. I feel the bullet go deep in my chest. From out of nowhere Felina has found me, Kissing my cheek as she kneels by my side. Cradled by two loving arms that I'll die for, One little kiss and Felina, good-bye.
posted by Rosie @ 7/21/2006 06:39:00 PM |
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At 10:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
MY NAME IN PRINT!!...this is the kind of thing that MAKES people! (you've seen the movie "The Jerk" with Steve Martin, right? possibly my favorite comedy movie of all time)
It's funny---with the exception of Johnny Cash stuff, all those country songs you wanted me to play (I'm a city kid, bear in mind) were songs I'd heard bits of my whole life but never thought to sit down and play on the guitar---as in, I knew them but didn't know I knew them. I actually remember "El Paso" from an old record commercial somewhere back in my childhood when K-Tel was a more pervasive entity than it is now.
Just for you though, I learn that song.
UU Love,
der Jukenboxen-Mensch
At 10:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
MY NAME IN PRINT!!...this is the kind of thing that MAKES people! (you've seen the movie "The Jerk" with Steve Martin, right? possibly my favorite comedy movie of all time)
It's funny---with the exception of Johnny Cash stuff, all those country songs you wanted me to play (I'm a city kid, bear in mind) were songs I'd heard bits of my whole life but never thought to sit down and play on the guitar---as in, I knew them but didn't know I knew them. I actually remember "El Paso" from an old record commercial somewhere back in my childhood when K-Tel was a more pervasive entity than it is now.
Just for you though, I learn that song.
UU Love,
der Jukenboxen-Mensch
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