Wednesday, March 01, 2006 |
Sheep go to Heaven, Lions go to Hell? |
Isn't it March that we are speaking of when we say "in like a lion, out like a lamb"? Well, March is coming in like a lamb, but I will be at the Lyon tonight, so can we say it is coming in AT the Lyon, so maybe it will go out like a lamb? I'd like to think so. I hate winter, so I am relishing this weather, sitting in the PJ's, drinking coffee, smoking ciggies, hoping my mother doesn't drop by un-announced to catch me, (as she so often does), with the windows open and breezes that have a hint of rain smell (it's really just the ozone layer deteriorating) blowing the smoke back in my eyes. Don Harman is at the marble factory in Bonner Springs today, and Katie says it's supposed to be 81 effing degrees today. Ahhhhhhh! Soon I will be able to rejoice in lolling about even more, since I am auctioning off the store on April 7th. No more Saturdays at the shop. It was fun while it lasted, but the poopy landlord and the weirdos in Topeka have taken all the fun out of it. The ex-partner splitting didn't help any, not that he was much use anyway. It's funny how things work out. Some people just sit back and let everything happen around them, and others are action-takers. I am generally an action-taker, but I think I am burnt out on that for a while, since much of the action I have taken has not gotten me anywhere except frustrationville. Doing nothing is not the opposite of taking action, it is just a pathetic way to make choices. I have really enjoyed the crisis that has come up recently in the girlfriend group. NOT the crisis itself, but the way it got our attention and made us all come together to focus on some common cause. Gypsy and I have spent some quality time together and I didn't realize how much I was missing it/her. She is a completely different person from when we were so tight, and I admire her for becoming who she is, not that I didn't love who she was. It was like this ugly breakup, and now we tenuously hang together with a hint of weirdness in the air that is easier to ignore than to address. I DO intend to address it sometime, when we have time to roll it around together and take apart that giant foil ball that it became. The new Saveur came yesterday, and there is a great snippet about Clementine Paddleford in it. She was a food writer for years, after she had been a home economist at KSU. Single mother in those days....for shame! She is responsible for my favorite quote: "Never grow a wishbone, daughter, where your backbone ougt to be." I had to grow a backbone at one point in my life. Like a muscle, it atrophys if it goes unused. Mine feels unused, although at times I feel like I carry a heavy burden. Sheep can be used as pack animals, but they are also so stupid that they'll walk right off a cliff. Goats make much better carriers and pullers, because they are clever and can be trained. Sheep have wishbones. Goats have backbones. Sheep go to heaven. Goats go to hell. Did I mention that I hate winter? I love the unbearable heat of summer. It's coming.
posted by Rosie @ 3/01/2006 08:51:00 AM |
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At 10:24 AM,
Megan Stuke said…
two tears in a bucket. Motherfuckit.
Bygones. What's to address? We had some issues. We're not there anymore, thank goddess.
It's spring, baby. And I am looking forward to some serious porch time. And maybe a black velvet or two.
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